MK-Kurent 23.-24. Julij 2010

Motoristi in ljubitelji motorjev

Vabljeni na 16. mednarodno srečanje motoristov MK Kurent. Kot ponavadi se obeta dobra družba, dobra glasba,  zastonj kempiranje v senci in dobra kulinarična ponudba. Več o organizaciji dogodka najdete na spodnjem letaku in zemljevidu. Z veseljem vam odgovorimo na morebitna dodatna vprašanja.

Se vidimo!

For Friends abroad

Welcome Bikers on the 16th international bikers weekend MK Kurent. As usual we can promise you a good party, good music, free camping in the shadow and a great cuisine. See the flyer bellow for more information about the event. We’re looking forward for answering some more questions.

See you!

Map and directions:
Google KML file download

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